Christine Hemp in front the NASA Pegasus rocket which blasted her poem into space
"Connecting Cord" In December of 1998 Christine Hemp’s poem "Connecting Cord" was transferred to foil and loaded into the satellite observatory, SWAS (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite) sent to record the birth of stars. Infrared astronomer at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Gary Melnick, was the lead investigator of the NASA project. The launch took place at Vandenburg Air force Base on December 5th and now SWAS is sending back data that sheds light on the pre-natal activity of stars.
Read Hemp's poem called "Connecting Cord".Since that day over ten years ago, the poem has traveled over 1.7 billion miles -- about 19 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.
In London, Youth Offenders and Police Officers Unite in Christine Hemp's week of 'Connecting Chord'
Connecting Chord is a week-long program that bridges gaps between cops and teens through the writing of (yes!) poetry. In five days of talking and writing, officers and young people find voice in their community and in their lives. Read more about Hemp's program.
Moving to a new place is not always easy. Christine Hemp receives a gift that makes it home.
91.9 Radio Port Townsend to air in APRIL, 2011